Dear Intuitive Psychic Soul Sister:
You’re invited to the coming together of women who have felt the rising psychic power within them.
You’re invited to the homebase for those who feel things beyond the physical world.
You’re invited to a space where heart-led intuitives can connect with each other, where slipping through the energetic layers is met with safety, compassion, understanding and bubbling joy.
You’re invited to a safe place to explore your psychic / intuitive / energetic gifts and we’re so excited to welcome you in.

This community is the space station, the hub you are lovingly tethered to
This community is the space station, the hub you are lovingly tethered to 🪐
– Let me ask you sweet friend:
Have you ever had experiences that defy logic, that you didn’t quite understand?
Have you ever wanted to share about your psychic nudges, but had no one to tell without sounding quite out there?
Have you ever felt nervous about what it all means?
Are you drawn to all things esoteric and metaphysical?
Do you feel the urge within you to connect with others like you, who get it?
Do you crave a community where you can fully step into your truest self?
If any of these questions ring true for you, you’re in the exact right place. Do you feel that rightness flowing through you, my love, like a sacred river? Trust the current, because you’ve now arrived at your destination, the hub for you to explore all things psychic, feeling safe, supported, connected, intrigued, and absolutely enchanted as you do.
The Community
The beautiful, empowering, light-filled community space to guide you in the exploration of your psychic gifts. It’s a supportive cocoon for women, of all levels and stages of life, to practice and unveil their intuitive power, together, in the most loving, expansive, sacred, explore-new-heights kind of way.
– The Specifics
When you sign up for Spirit Keys: The Community you become a founding member at $44 and keep that rate for as long as you decide to stay on this journey with us and cancel anytime.
Each month, you’ll receive a pre-recorded lesson on that month’s metaphysical topic, as well as a meditation / attunement / frequency and exercise that you can dive into at your own pace.
We will meet four Wednesdays a month for a live drop in session. These calls are an hour long and are THE space to practice together, expand our knowledge, share our experiences, and receive answers to our most burning psychic questions that arise in our learning. Also fun! We have a lot of fun! Come to all four, our one or catch the replays in the community platform space.
❍ Community Platform Access
You’ll receive constant access to our community platform space, a central hub for you to come back to for support, friendship, guidance, understanding - a place where you’re invited to have FUN exploring your psychicness, where it’s thrilling and expansive to learn about it with others.
❍ Become a founding member!
Sounds pretty amazing, right?? It’s just the community so many have been looking for - and now it’s available to YOU!

What Others are Saying About Spirit Keys:
– Meet Your Guide
Samantha Klein is a mentor and spiritual guide for mystics, mediums and psychic intuitives who are stepping into their power and embracing their gifts. She is the Founder of Spirit Keys, the psychic-development course as well as Spirit Keys: The Community. She has spent years navigating her own relationship with Spirit, honing her gifts and connecting with like-minded women along the way. After years of feeling the pull towards developing a supportive community space, Samantha has brought her own vast array of experience and knowledge to create Spirit Keys: The Community. With the help of Spirit and her own gifts, she cultivated a space where others can feel safe and held as they understand the psychic power that lies within them. She is the grounded, much-needed, down-to-earth resource and guide in a world of confusing spiritual lingo. She designed this community to be exactly what YOU need right now.
So what do you say?
Spirit Keys: The Community is inviting you and your psychic gifts, to come be a part of something BIG, something powerful, something you’ve been craving all this time. Will you join us, dear, beautiful, sensitive friend? You’ll learn so much about yourself in the process.
It’ll open up a whole world of possibility for you and I can’t wait to see the light shining brightly in your eyes as it does.
Come be your truest self with us.
The door is open. Spirit is beckoning. It’s time.